19 July 2012

Party Foods

Today we are having a party of sorts. Why? Because we have to celebrate! My hubby and I closed on our first home last week. It's been a busy and exciting week moving all of our stuff from out little rental to our first home.
Anyway, because it has been a busy week and we are in the process of moving between two houses I haven't really had a chance to cook much or crochet much either. Today, I'm going through the archives and sharing some great party foods.


  1. congrats congrats!! and the party food is perfect for all parties!!!

  2. Congratulations Erin!
    I hope you enjoy your new home for many years to come, I know that it is a very special time for you and your family. All you party food looks great with some really good recipes. Hope you are having a great summer week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. Congrats on the new house! All the party foods look delicious.


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