06 August 2012

Pregnancy Update and Baby Blanket Preview

For those of you who have been wondering about how my pregnancy is going I hit 20 weeks tomorrow, Aug 7, which also happens to be my and my hubby's 4th anniversary.   I'm excited to say that I went in for my ultrasound last week and we found out we are having a little girl. We already have a little boy, so we are super happy that we get to have one of each.

I already have big plans for this little girl. I need  to make another turtle for photos, and started working on a mermaid outfit photo prop too. When we found out we were having baby number one I started crocheting this Noah's Ark Blanket.
I knew I wanted to make another blanket for number two. I started drawing up different ideas in my head dependent on whether we have boy or a girl. Since we are having a girl I decided to make an owl themed blanket inspired by a few crochet projects I've pinned to Pinterest. My main inspiration was this blanket available from Abby Cove. However, I wanted to add a little more to it, so I'm going to structure it like the Noah's Ark blanket and give it different panels. 

This is what I've worked on so far. Don't mind all the loose ends. I hate weaving in my ends so I leave that for very last. I really like this idea of crocodile stitch owls. I looked at a few tutorials for the crocodile stitch and started to play around with it a figured out how to make my own owls. I've made a couple of pink owls and still need to make a purple one.  
 These little flowers are going to be along at the bottom of the center panel. I saw this Romanian lace cord tutorial on Pinterest and thought it would be perfect for the flower stems. I'll put some of these flowers or maybe bigger ones, without stems, in the corner panels too.
 I couldn't think of anything to put in the bottom, top, and side panels, so I decided I could add some big texture. I decided that big bobble stitches would add a nice bold polka dotted texture.
 Now, I just need to finish it all so I can see how adorable it is together.


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.