09 August 2012

Easy Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins

You know that recipe you've probably seen several times on Pinterest that only uses a can of pumpkin and a yellow cake mix to make pumpkin muffins? I can honestly say that I knew that recipe before I ever saw it on Pinterest. Well, except when I learned it it was spice cake mix not yellow cake mix. I would totally recommend the spice cake mix. The yellow cake is good, but the spice cake is great!  Well, I wasn't planning on making these at all, so I didn't have spice cake mix on hand. I did however have a couple boxes of yellow cake mix in the cupboard. My 20 month old got his hands on one of these boxes and kept handing it to me and whining as to say, "Mommy, please open it so I can eat the stuff inside." After several minutes of this begging I decided I could make something with it so I decided on the pumpkin muffins since they are so easy. I also decided to add some butterscotch chips and dusted them with powedered sugar. Yumm.

Pumpkin Butterscotch Muffins
  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 1 can (15oz)pumpkin
  • 1 cup butterscotch chips
  • Powdered Sugar
Mix together cake mix and pumpkin. Stir in butterscotch chip. Scoop batter into muffin tin wells. Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar


  1. I love muffins and it looks like you have some great ideas here. Not only yummy, but easy . . . I'm tired of complicated, search everywhere for ingredient recipes. I am your newest follower. Come on over . . . you might just decide to follow me back. Have a spectacular weekend. Connie :)

  2. These look lovely - I really like butterscotch things but I had temporarily forgotten all about them!! Thanks for reminding me!


  3. These look delish! We'd love if you'd link this up to our Countdown to Fall link party and/or other Fall posts. Hope to see you there! Have a great week!

  4. I love that there aren't that many ingredients and I usually have these at home! I love muffins, I'd love to make these for my kiddos. Great fall treat. Personally, I adore the butterscotch chips!

  5. I don't think we have that spice cake mix over here in Australia. I'll have to see what substitutes I can find because they look delicious!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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