13 August 2012

Strawberry Watermelon Slush

This is an alteration of one of my Mother-in-laws recipes. The alteration because we had a watermelon that needed used so we decided to try it half strawberry half watermelon instead of just strawberry. It turned out fantastic. This recipe makes a ton of slush. Which is very nice, you can make a bunch and keep it in the freezer all summer and scoop your self a nice refreshing summer drink whenever you want.

Strawberry Watermelon Slush
  • 7 cups water
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 large package strawberry jello
  • 1 can frozen orange juice concentrate,
  • 1 can crushed pineapple
  • 1/2 watermelon
  • 2 quarts strawberries
  • Lemon-Lime Soda
Boil 7 cups of water and 4 cups of sugar. Add l large package strawberry/banana jello. Let cool and add 1 large can frozen orange juice concentrate. In a very large bowl mash together strawberries and watermelon. Add 1 crushed pineapple and jello mixture to mashed fruit. Freeze and serve as equal parts slush and lemon-lime soda.


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.