25 June 2012


After two and a half weeks of traveling, we are finally flying home today. With all of the vacationing I forgot to get a post schedule to go up this morning. I guess getting it up late is better than never.

Here are some pie recipes that would be great for any summer get together.

Banana Cream Pie
Butterscotch Brulee Pie
Chocolate Cream Pie
Sour Cream Apple Pastry
Strawberry Creme Patisserie
White Chocolate Cherry Pie

1 comment:

I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.