20 April 2012

Easy Citrus Punch

Just a reminder that the April Link Party is still running. There have already been a lot of great ideas posted.

This is a delicious little concoction I originally made up rummaging through my cupboards. I wanted to make something for a nice meal that was a little bit more special than just a can of juice and I had to do it with what I already had on hand because there wasn't time for a trip to the store.  I love the citrus flavor. The best part is this is a family friendly beverage, great for kids and those of use who don't drink alcohol.

Citrus Punch 
  • 2 pitchers (I know, I only have one in the picture) or a large punch bowl. 
  • 1 2liter bottle of Lemon Lime Soda. 
  • 1 can of Orange juice concentrate 
  • 4 cups water
  • Powdered lemonade mix
Add 1 liter of soda, half of the can of orange juice concentrate, 2 cups water, the amount of powder called for on package to make 1 quart lemonade add (powder only, no water) to each pitcher. Mix well. If using a punch bowl mix together entire bottle of soda, entire can of orange juice, 4 cups water and the amount of powder called for on package to make 2 quarts lemonade.
Tip: add lemonade powder last, after water has been added so that the lemonade powder doesn't cause the soda to fizz too much.


  1. Hi Erin, thanks for linking up to Pin-ed It & Made it. I love punches that are quick and easy and yummy too! I have all those things in my pantry, I'll have to give it a try.

  2. Hi Erin,
    This is a great punch that we would really enjoy! Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. Thanks so much for sharing at Homemade By You Linky party! This is going to be featured this week! Hope to see you at the party!!


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