23 April 2012

Coconut Milk Whipped Cream & Chocolate Coconut Milk Mousse

I've made some really neat discoveries on Pinterest. On of them is that you can make whipped cream out of coconut milk. Add some cocoa powder to it and you get a chocolate mousse, which can also double as chocolate frosting.  When I say the idea for the mousse, I decided to try it. It was tasty.  Keep in mind it is coconut milk, so it is going to have little bit of a coconut flavor. Using coconut milk for regular whipped cream came in pretty handy the other day too. We signed up to have the missionaries from church over for dinner. I went to the store and bought everything I needed for dinner. I got home and realized I hadn't even thought about dessert. I decided I could make a banana cream pie and use up some bananas before they went bad.. Then I realized I was out of whipped cream. I struggled to come up with an alternative dessert. I finally remembered I had a can of coconut milk in the cupboard I could use to make whipped cream, so I made a banana cream pie after all.

Coconut Milk Whipped Cream
  • 1 can coconut milk (NOT Lite, use a good quality brand)
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Place can of coconut milk in the fridge for a few hours. The fat with separate to the top. Do not shake can or  turn can over. Open the can and scoop out the thick fat from the can of coconut milk. We just want the thick stuff (Getting just a little bit, and I mean JUST a little bit of liquid in it wont hurt. You can discard they runny liquid or save it to mix in a smoothie or somethings.) Whip together coconut milk fat, powdered sugar and vanilla until it becomes light and fluffly like whipped cream, forming soft to medium peaks. This may take several minutes.
To make chocolate mousse add 1/4 cup cocoa powder before whipping process. Whip to a nice mousse like consistency.


  1. Hey, thanks for this!! My little one is allergic to milk, and keep ruling out things like whipped cream. I never even thought of trying coconut milk. Your a genius!!

  2. This mousse looks really good! I like that you make the whipped cream using coconut milk, I have never had that before, I will have to try it! I would love if you would share this and any other posts at Showcase Your Talent Thursday http://whatscookinglove.blogspot.com/2012/04/showcase-your-talent-thursday-4.html. I hope to see you there!

  3. Oh. Man!! That looks sinfully delicious. Thanks for linking it up!!

  4. What a delicious dessert and so pretty, I am glad you made it on through the Linky Maze. Your recipe looks awesome. Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. can you use coconut milk from a carton? Or is that different from the canned kind?


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