09 April 2012

Cookies and Cream Donuts

I'm in love with my mini donut pan. It seriously makes the cutest little donuts. The donuts come out of the pan pretty easily and they are the perfect little size for eating. I love it because it makes baked donuts which makes me feel less guilty about eating donuts since they aren't fried (Although, I do love fried yeast donuts and would totally take an Automatic Mini Donut Factory if I was really rich and had room for one in my kitchen or if someone gave me one.) In the end a baked donut might not be any healthier, but I can  pretend right? I've only used my pan a couple of times. This time around I made a pinterest inspired treat. I just didn't make mine from scratch. I used a cake mix instead.

Cookies and Cream Donuts
  • 1 box devils food cake mix
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 oz Oreo Cookies
  • 2 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1-2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 425F. Mix cake mix, oil, 1 cup milk and eggs together. Chop up Oreo cookies into crumbs (I used my food processor). Reserve 1/4 cup Oreo crumbs. Mix remaining Oreo crumbs into cake mix batter.  Grease donut pan. Pour batter into a Ziploc bag. Pipe batter into donut pan wells filling 1/2 to 3/4 of the way. Bake for 6 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool on cooling rack. While donuts are cooling cream together cream cheese and powdered sugar. Mix in vanilla and milk. Dip top of cooled donuts in cream cheese glaze then lightly press in the reserved Oreo crumbs.


  1. I need to get one of those pans!

  2. You had me at "donuts." And then to throw in Oreos, well, that is just over the top! Yum!

  3. Cake mix to make donuts? GENIUS! Found you from Chef in Training!

  4. Yum! I really need to get my hands on a mini-donut pan. These look beautiful and I love that they're baked - makes them just that little healthier.

  5. I'm in love my my donut pan too. I would love it even more if I made these donuts! Yum!

  6. I love how easy cake mixes are to make donuts from!!! I am loving the cream cheese topping and all the cookie crumbs!!! I am feeling the urge to make donuts again:-)

  7. These look really good and I like how you use a cake mix to make them! I would love if you would share this and any other posts at Showcase Your Talent Thursday http://whatscookinglove.blogspot.com/2012/04/showcase-your-talent-thursday-2.html.
    Thanks and I hope to see you there!

  8. These look fabulous. Yum.

  9. OH MY HECK! These look like heaven on a plate!

  10. We'll take a dozen with four tall glasses of milk ;)

    Thanks for sharing this at our "Beautify It Monday" Party! We hope you'll be back again next week!

  11. My husband got a mini donut maker for Christmas. I just forwarded him this link...hoping he will make them. They look AMAZING!

  12. Love your short cut of using cake mix! And the mini donut pan makes them so adorable. Hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!

  13. I sure would love to wake up to one or two of these awesome doughnuts! Hope you are having a wonderful Spring day. Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  14. Mmm! What a cool pan! Both my guys love donuts. Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

  15. Those look so good! Can't wait to try them (:

    Stopping by from Cast Party Weds.


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