06 April 2012

Homemade Ice Cream Without a Machine

Seriously, this could be one of the best discoveries ever. Homemade ice cream that only requires 2 ingredients and doesn't need a machine? You've got to be joking! I stumbled across the idea on Kevin and Amanda. She linked up a recipe that required only a small amount of sweetened and condensed milk and suggested making the ice cream to use the remainder of the can of sweetened condensed milk. The second I clicked on the link to the ice cream and saw what the recipe was I remembered I had seen the recipe on Our Best Bites a while back and completely forgot about it.  I  looked for it on OBB and discovered they also had the recipe linked up to Kevin and Amanda.  OBB has a great picture tutorial (and instructions to make it in a machine if you have one). Kevin and Amanda has a bunch of variations on the recipe if you are looking for different flavor ice cream ideas.   This ice cream was really easy to make. It makes a pretty good vanilla ice cream and I think it would be even better as a base for a lot of different mix ins. Next time, I'm thinking strawberry icecream.

Homemade No Machine Ice cream
  • 2 Cups heavy whipping cream
  • 14 oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (optional)

Whip 2 cups heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks start to form. Mix together sweetened condensed milk and vanilla. Fold whipped cream into sweetened condensed milk (slowly and carefully, so cream doesn't collapse). Fold until well combined. Pour into container and freeze at least 6 hours or until firm.
Here it is all mixed together, ready to be placed in the freezer.


  1. Thank you do much for linking up to Sunday round up! I love the idea of not needing an ice cream machine asi don't have one lol can't wait to try this out! Have a wonderful Easter!:)
    Kayla :)

  2. Ice cream with no uncooked eggs - GREAT!
    Must try it

  3. This is probably going to end up in my freezer at some point this summer. No machine = great!


  4. This looks delicious! What's the texture like?

    1. I was just like I would expect my ice cream.

  5. Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe. I would love for you to link up to my Linky Party via: http://ourdelightfulhome.blogspot.com/2012/04/show-me-what-you-got-linky-party-9.html

    Mrs. Delightful

  6. Just put it in the freezer?! Wow thanks for sharing this, we can't wait to try it out!

  7. Wow this looks great! I love the taste of homemade ice cream, but haven't wanted to spend the money on a machine....so glad I found your tutorial! I would love to have you share this at my link party going on right now....I am your newest Linky Follower

  8. My mouth is literally watering just looking at your pictures!!! This looks so delicious! Thanks so much for sharing at my party! Have a great weekend :)

  9. Ooooohhh, I love homemade ice cream! I'm so happy you have found a way to make it without a machine...because I still don't have one...but I still love the stuff...so thank you!

  10. Ice Cream season is here and we will sure try this recipe. Hope you are having a wonderful Spring day. Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  11. Please share this today on my foodie friday linky... I just didn't know you could do this without a machine.

  12. I just wanted to let you know that I have featured you over at our Sunday Round Up. Come on over and grab a feature button and I hope we see again this week. :)

  13. Wow! Really? It's that simple? Yum! I wish I weren't the only one in my house who liked ice cream! Thanks for sharing this at Shine on Fridays!

  14. That looks too easy! I am so going to be trying this! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  15. I love coffee ice cream. Can I add instant coffee crystals or extra strong coffee to the mix before freezing?

    1. I honestly have no idea. I don't do coffee in my house. However, if I did try it, I would mix it with the sweetened condensed milk before I folded it into the whipped cream.

    2. I was thinking about this (as I was in the store getting cream and condensed milk to try this) you could probably make an espresso and let it chill. Or mix a scoop of instant coffee with a small bit of milk or water and add it to the condensed milk before you fold it in!

  16. Do you know if this can be made vegan? :)


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