11 April 2013

Turtle Popcorn Chex Mix

At the beginning of the year I signed up to join in on Lady Behind the Curtain's Dessert Challenge. I didn't have a chance to participate in the challenges  for February or March. This month the ingredients were Pretzels and Caramel. I knew it was something for which I could easily find a recipe. Well, the deadline was approaching and I remembered I still hadn't made anything. I needed to think of something I could easily make with ingredients on hand.  The idea that popped into my head was some sort of chex mix. I got inspiration for several recipes of off Chex.com. There were recipes with popcorn and caramel. I decided if I threw in some chocolate and the salty pretzels I would have the perfect sweet treat.  I had some pecans on hand so the idea of Turtle Popcorn Chex Mix was born. Yep, this stuff was pretty tasty. It was something snacky, but still sweet.  I think it would be a fabulous dessert idea for a game night or something like that.

Turtle Popcorn Chex Mix
  • 3 cups popped popcorn
  • 4 Cups Rice of Corn Chex cereal (we actually used Crispix)
  • 1 cup Pretzels 
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup chocolate Chips
Mix together popcorn, cereal, pretzels, and pecans. Divide cereal mixture in half.  Combine butter, brown sugar, and corn syrup. Cook in microwave for 2 minutes, stopping after the first minute to stir.  Pour over half of cereal mixture and stir until evenly coated.  Melt chocolates until chocolate stirs smooth. Pour melted chocolate of remaining half of cereal mixture and stir until evenly coated. Combine caramel and chocolate cereal mixtures together.

Lady Behind the Curtain Dessert Challenge


  1. Looks as though you had a great idea! Whatta snack!

  2. Yum! This looks so good. Love that you made your own caramel sauce, too.

  3. I love your version of the chex mix recipe with the caramel, chocolate, and popcorn. Great idea!



  4. This is snick-snackey goodness, right here! Yum!

  5. Man, this looks totally irresistible! A must make for my next book club meeting :)

  6. This Turtle Popcorn looks so yummy! I'd love for you to link up a few yummy recipes at my weekend link party@The Weekend re-Treat! if you haven’t already yet this weekend on The Best Blog Recipes!

    Hope to see you there!


  7. This looks irresistible.

  8. This looks absolutely scrumptious! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Visiting from "Link it up" The mix you posted looks delicious! My "Pin it Again" link party is live...please stop by and bring your party mix! :)


  10. Just made this. Followed your directions exactly and it turned out great! Very yummy!


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