15 April 2013

Crustless Quiche

Hubby brought some great stuff with him into our marriage.  He had a nice set of China that belonged to his Grandma and real silverware and other silver serving pieces. He brought his handy computer skills. You can seriously save a lot of money when you only have to replace a piece of a laptop instead of the whole thing.  He is also handy when it comes to yard work, which I am pretty much worthless when to come to working in our yard.  I grew up in a town house and a landscaping company took care of all of that stuff. Hubby on the other hand, his parent's own a large piece of property and landscaped the whole thing themselves.  Hubby also brought a bunch of his mom's great recipes with him into our marriage. This would be one of those recipes.  I had never heard of including baking mix into the eggs to help them set a little stiffer and eliminating the need for a crust.  Don't get me wrong. I love a nice flaky crust on my quiche, but sometimes you just need quick and throwing Bisquick in the mix is easier and faster than rolling out a homemade pie crust. Anyway, the great thing about quiche is you can pretty much throw whatever you want in it: ham, bacon, onions, spinach.

Crustless Quiche
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups Milk
  • 1/2 bisquick mix
  • Salt Pepper to taste
  • 1 Cup Shredded Cheese
  • Your Choice of quiche filling: Ham, bacon (precooked), mushrooms, olives, onions, spinach, etc.

Place filling in bottom of a greased pie plate or baking dish. Layer cheese over fillings. Mix together eggs, milk, bisquick mix, salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture over cheese. Bake 35-40 minutes at 325F.


  1. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing this awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday.
    Hope to see you soon!
    Miz Helen


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