02 April 2013

Stash-Buster Challenge - Easter Hats

We'll these hats should probably technically count as a March project since that's when I made them, but since they did't where the hats for me too take pictures until Easter I wasn't going to get to post pictures until April.
Click her for Pattern

As for the rest of April I don't really have big plans for crocheting. I know I need to work on Baby girl's blanket. I'll probably make some sort of prop for her 4 month pictures too. Other than that....I'm sure something will come up.


  1. Super cute hats!

  2. Absolutely adorable! The little boys hat is very dapper. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Those hats are adorable!!!! And so are your models!!! Happy Spring, Lori


  4. Oh my goodness how adorable!! I wish I could crochet!! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party.

  5. The Easter hat is very lovely and the children look absolute wonderful in their Easter finest.. Hugs Judy


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.