28 January 2013

Jelly Donut Ebelskivers

For Christmas my sister-in-law sent us an Ebelskiver Pan and an Ebelskiver recipe book.  So what are Ebelskivers? Apparently they are Danish style filled pancakes. I honestly had never heard of then before Christmas. We flipped through the recipe book and it is full of very delicious looking recipes. Some savory, some sweet. There is even a recipe for chocolate molten Ebelskivers that I definitely have plans to try in the future.  Well, one Saturday we were looking for something to make for breakfast and we remembered the Ebelskiver pan so we pulled out the cookbook and settled on some Jelly Donut Ebelskivers. They were fantastic. They are not your average pancakes. They are light and fluffy.  They probably work best when made in the ebelskiver pan, but I did see this pin on Pinterest that a lady successfully made some on a flat skillet.

Jelly Donut Ebelskivers

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs separated
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a small bowl, lightly whisk the egg yolks, then whisk in the milk, melted butter and vanilla extract. Add the yolk mixture to the flour mixture and, using a wooden spoon,stir until well blended. The batter will be lumpy.
In a clean bowl, using and electric mixer on high speed, beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry, peaks form. Using a  rubber spatula, fold about one-third of the egg whites into the batter to lighten it, then fold in the rest just until no white streaks remain. Use the batter right away

  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup strawberry, raspberry, grape or favorite jam or preserves
  • powdered sugar
Brush the wells of the Ebelskiver pan with melted butter and place over medium heat. When butter starts to bubble, add about 1 tablespoon batter into each well. Working quickly carefully spoon about 1 teaspoon of the jelly into the center of each pancake. Top each with another 1 tablespoon batter
Cook until the bottoms of the pancakes are lightly browned and crisp 3-5 minutes. Use 2 wooden skewers or chopsticks to turn all the pancakes and cook until lightly browned on the second side, about 3 minutes longer.
Transfer the finished pancakes to an oven safe dish and keep warm in an oven preheated to 200F. Sprinkle the warm pancakes with powdered sugar. Yield: about 21 pancakes.


  1. Looks good. Thanks for sharing with us at "In and Out of the Kitchen Link Up Party" with Feeding Big.

  2. These look good, and I'm pinning :)
    Thanks for sharing and belated congrats on your baby girl.

  3. Your recipe is awesome and thank you so much for sharing it with Full Plate Thursday.
    Have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. These look delicious, Erin. Thanks for sharing at Tasty Thursdays!! Nichi

  5. Hi Erin! I haven't seen you in a little while! Hope all is well with you! These look great! Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me Linky Party.

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