12 July 2012

Crepes with Strawberries and Nutella Cream Cheese

These are real authentic French Crepes. Well, I like to think they are anyway. I got the crepe recipe out of a French Text book a long time ago when I was taking French in High school. The original recipe actually uses an electric beater, but I've discovered over time that since the batter is so runny it works great to mix it in a blender.

  • 3 Eggs
  • 3 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 Pinch of salt
  • 2 Cups milk, divided
  • 1 Cup flour
  • 1 Tablespoon butter, melted
Add eggs, sugar,, salt and 1/2 cup milk to the blender. Blend together. Add flour to the blender. Blend until smooth, stopping the blender to scrap the sides if necessary. Add the milk and the butter. Blend. Pour batter onto a hot griddle, flip when bubbles form on top. Does not need to cook as long as a pancake.  If you are having a hard time getting them to flip, you do not need to flip, just let them sit on the long enough that they cook all the way through. Fill with Nutella Cream Cheese and strawberries. Top with strawberries and chocolate syrup. Or use any filling or topping desired.

Nutella Cream Cheese
  • 8 oz cream cheese or neufchatel cheese, softened
  • 1/3 cup Nutella
Beat together cream cheese and nutella.


  1. The first time I had crepes or Nutella was in my high school French language class. Your recipe brings back many happy memories of that fun time in my life!

    Thanks for sharing...

  2. YUM!! The last time I had this was in my high school French classes. I've now been hit with a big wave of nostalgia :) I've been browsing your blog and I love so many of the recipes already! I'm now following and stoked for more recipes :)

    If you have a few minutes to spare, feel free to check out my blog and follow if it tickles your fancy! :) I'm a lover of food photography and post mostly that on my blog!

    Have a great day!

    neha made

  3. Crepes are such a wonderful dessert, yours look delicious! Hope you are having a fantastic week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. Your presentatin is superb! I found this through Thriving on Thursdays. I have linked in a salad with leftover lamb. Have a great week.

  5. The French have a good handle on dessert because crepes are amazing. These crepes here look delicious, I love the nutella and strawberry combination, it works so well together.


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