13 April 2012

Strawberry Shortcakes

Happy Birthday to me... on Friday the 13th. I'm not complaining, no cursed Friday the 13th here. I've had a few Friday birthdays: my 5th birthday, my 16th birthday, my 22nd birthday and now today, my 27th birthday (Did I say that out loud? Holy crap! I'm getting old.) They always turn out to be great birthdays (okay, so I don't really remember birthday number 5, but the rest have been great) so I know today is going to be a great day too.  Anyways, here is a sweet little treat for you, Strawberry Shortcakes using Bisquick mix. This recipe comes right off the Bisquick box. These short cakes aren't nearly as light and fluffy as angel food cake or the little shortcakes you find by the strawberries in the produce aisle at the grocery store. They are more like biscuits in texture. Well they are not quite as heavy and flaky as biscuits. Anyway They are just as good a way to make short cakes as angel food cake if you have strawberries in your fridge that you are trying to find a way to use and don't happen to have any angel food cake on hand.  The first time I made these I used the high altitude instructions because I live at a higher altitude, which had me decrease the sugar and turn up the heat. I think they needed more sugar and they didn't cook very evenly so I forget about the high altitude instructions now. They still turn out just fine.

Strawberry Shortcakes
  • 2 1/3 cups Bisquick or Baking Mix
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons butter or margerine, melted
  • Strawberries, sliced
  • Whipped cream

Mix together Bisquick, milk, sugar and butter until a soft dough forms. Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes at 425F. Split warm short cakes into 2 layers. Fill and top shortcakes with strawberries and whipped cream.  Yield 6 cakes (I actually make mine a smaller to get 8 shortcakes)


  1. Stopping by from the Anything Goes Linky! http://kingofsaving.com

  2. Just visiting from the Ultiamate Blog Party. It is lunch time and your blog is making me sooo hungry! I look forward to looking around some more. http://raisingourfamily.blogspot.com

  3. Hi,

    I followed you over from Sundae Scoop and these shortcakes look delicious! I would like to invite you to share this, and any other posts, on my link party at www.michellestastycreations.blogspot.com. Have a great weekend.


  4. Dropping by the UBP12 hop. I remember my mom making these. I cheat and just buy those nasty little yellow cake-y cups. (Although last year I bought a pan to make them homemade and have the recipe.) Will try something new when strawberries come in for me.

  5. Sorry I missed your birthday. This looks like a really great recipe. Hope you had a great day.

    Anne xx


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