25 March 2012

Happy Blogiversary

It's been a year since A Crafty Cook was born, sort of. I kind of had a blog before then. I hardly ever posted on it. It didn't name it anything I was in love with. So, this blogiversay really marks the day that I changed the blogs name to A Crafty Cook and changed the URL to match. It marks the moment I decided I wanted to share not only recipes, but my crochet projects too. It marks they day that I wondered it I could actually keep up a blog like so many of you do. I was always impressed by bloggers who could post almost daily. This blogiversary marks the day I decided to become serious about blogging and start posting twice a week. 

Since that day a lot has happened. 
I've actually started posting 3 days a week. I still worry that some day I am going to run out of things to post because I post so often. Thank goodness for pinterest.
I've gained over 100 bloggers on GFC. I started a Facebook page, which almost has 100 followers.I've also gained followers through Bloglovin', Linky Followers, and networked blogs. A Crafty Cook is Growing.


 My Monte Cristo Bites also won a little contest over at Miz Helen's Country Cottage.

But the one thing that has helped my blog grow the most is the S'mores Dip, I should say thanks to pinterest.This recipe has brought in nearly 1/4 of my all time page views. It brings to my blog daily. I don't know how many views makes something viral, but it once had  over 1,000 views in less that to hours, because it was pinned by some one and repinned over 700 times in that time period. Thank you S'mores dip.

Every blogger dreams of being featured because it's nice to know that  some one likes posts. It was very exciting the first time it happened and in the past year I've been lucky enough to be featured on 15 different blogs, some of them more than once. I was even asked to guest post over at Polka Dots on Parade.

It's been a great year. I've really enjoyed blogging and finding so many great blog friends. Here's to another great year in the blogosphere!

1 comment:

I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.