09 March 2012

Apple Pie Egg Roll Sundaes

When ever I buy egg roll wraps I need to think of a few different ways to use them and use them up quick. They tend to go moldy rather quickly so letting them sit in the fridge unforgotten is never a good plan. The good news is that they can be stuffed with pretty much anything. I've seen all sort of ideas on pinterest from Nutella to pizza toppings.  We sometimes stuff them with cheese and green chilis and make something kind of like a chile relleno. This time around I decided to fill some of them up with apple pie filling, mostly because I had some apples that needed used.  They tasted great topped with some ice cream a caramel sauce. 

Apple Pie Egg Rolls
  • 2-3 Apples, peeled and diced
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • egg rolls wraps
  • Olive Oil
Mix together apples, cinnamon and sugar. Place a spoonful of apple on the center of each egg roll wrap.  Sealing with a little bit of water. Wrap closed. Place on greased cookie sheet and brush lightly with  olive oil. Bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes until egg rolls are golden brown.


  1. That is a great idea that looks so delicious!

  2. Mmm, this sounds yummy! I've had peach pie filling like this before too but it has been years. They even added a little mint to the filling, I think it made such a difference. Thanks for a reminder AND instructions!

    Nikki @ the ambitious procrastinator

  3. Yum! What a brilliant idea!

  4. just pinned this!Oh wow, this looks SO tempting! I was drawn to your link at I heart Naptime.... Would love for you to come over to my Tuesday Link party and share something delicious! http://nap-timecreations.blogspot.com

  5. I can't wait to try! Thanks for sharing
    I'm your new follower on Linky. I'd love if you can follow me back :D

    Witha @ http://withapinkie.blogspot.com

  6. Mmmm. Sounds delicous. I have some apples that need using too! ;) Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  7. Yum! Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.

  8. This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is such a great idea... I've never bought or used egg roll wraps and although I've wanted to make egg rolls, it's your apple pie egg rolls that may have finally pushed me to buy them! Mmmm it's making me hungry :) I'd love for you to share this idea at Food Adventure Friday:

  10. Seriously? What are you trying to do to me?! First, that mac and cheese and now these? I just ate dinner and you've got me drooling and wanting to lick the screen...lol. Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays! Sharing this to the Facebook page!

  11. What a great idea! I would never have thought to use egg roll wrappers - genius! Thanks for sharing!

  12. these look yummy too! you have some great ideas!

    jess @ TupeloCreative


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