04 November 2013

Stash-Buster Challenge - Halloween Hats Nintendo Style

When we were trying to decide what out halloween outfits were going to be we decided on Nintendo or more specifically Super Smash Bros for our theme. Some of the yarn came from my stash, some of it added to my stash so I probably came out about even after these projects and didn't really reduce the amount of scrap yarn I have sitting around, but at least we had fun hats for Halloween.

I crocheted a Pikmin Hat for Baby Girl, which was also her 10 month photo hat, because I was busy and didn't have time to do 2 hats for her in October.

I made a Mega Man hat for Little Boy

I made a Link hat for Hubby

I also made a Pokemon trainer hat for myself, which I had no intentions of doing, but I couldn't find a red hat at the thrift store that really suited my needs so I ended up making one.

So my stash busting plan for November...We have our move going up just before Thanksgiving but as busy as I will be I am determined to finish baby girl's blanket. Seriously, it probably wont even take me an hour to finish it. I just need to sit down and do it.  I am also working on a sock monkey hat for Baby Girl's 11 month pics and decided I should make a sock monkey hat for Little Boy too. After all, the weather is getting colder. Maybe I'll make my self a nice winter hat too...we'll see.


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.