27 June 2013

Stash-Buster Challenge - Mermaid Prop

Well, baby girl is 6 months old today. I bet you've all been waiting to see what adorable prop I whipped up with my yarn stash for her photos. I say a mermaid prop on pinterest once and was in love with the idea. I figured it would be a great prop for a 6 month old because I figured she would be able to sit unsupported by 6 months, and we could do pics in the back yard. Well, she's not quite there yet. She's close though. So I threw a sheet over the couch and propped her up in the corner like I usually do.  

Anyway, I used a simple shell pattern to make the tail. The fins ware half double crocheted with front and back post double crochets, as were the sea shells. I do have to admit that I bought yarn to make the mermaid tail. I started one with my yarn stash and I didn't have enough.  I guess that leaves me with more green to make the leaves for that blanket that I'll probably never finish.

Next on the plan. I working on a little dress for baby girl for family pictures. I'm actually just  about done. I just need to make a flower or two and weave in some ends. Some day I might also finish that blanket, but that will have to wait because next week we leave on vacation for 3 weeks and I am not hauling that blanket with me so I can work on it. I guess I need to head over to pinterest for some inspiration for a small project I can make for 7 month pictures.


  1. Aw bless her she makes a beautiful mermaid, what a lovely tail :)

  2. This is SO cute! I've been wanting to make one of these for my friend who is having a little girl soon. Great job!



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