23 April 2013


Follow on Bloglovin  I've been messing with bloglovin' a bit more recently. I already added it to my blog when GFC disappeared and I really loved it. However, most of the blogs I followed through bloglovin' I also followed with my blogger dashboard and many of the blogs I followed on dashboard weren't connected to bloglovin', so I kind of quit using bloglovin'.  Well, I've heard that google reader is going to be disappearing and have been hearing more reminders about bloglovin'. I got on bloglovin' last night and discovered under the settings that you can import your entire dashbord/google reader list over to bloglovin'.  It'll be nice to have all of the blogs I follow in once place and with bloglovin' I can categorize them and organize them.  Anyway I mostly made this post because bloglovin wanted me to add some code so I could claim my blog since it's listed several times on bloglovin, but I might as well remind you that you can follow my blog with bloglovin' too.

1 comment:

  1. 真愛旅舍官網-視頻聊天室 , 台灣辣妹真愛旅舍聊天室 , 真愛旅舍聊天室 , 台灣真愛旅舍聊天室 , 真愛旅舍視頻聊天室 , 真愛旅舍聊天室官網 , 真愛旅舍聊天室 , 網愛吧聊天室 , 金瓶梅視訊聊天室 , 0401影音視訊聊天室 , 午夜免費裸聊 , momo520美女主播聊天室 , 免費聊天網站 , 美女直播聊天室 , ut台灣辣妹視訊聊天室 , 173激情視訊聊天室 , 173免費視訊聊天 , 同城聊天室 , ut視訊影音聊天室 , live173視訊聊天交友網 , 173免費視訊聊天 , 激情聊天室真人美女 , ut美女直播聊天室 , 173視訊影音聊天室 , live 173免費視訊聊天 , 台灣辣妹視訊聊天室 , 在線交友聊天 , 真人視訊直播 , 台灣辣妹視訊聊天室 , 免費視頻聊天室 , ut台灣辣妹視訊聊天室 , 午夜聊天室激情,寂寞美女做愛網站,主播全裸,色女qq群 , 一對一視訊聊天 , 美女直播聊天室 , 真人秀聊天室 , live173視訊影音live秀 , live173免費視訊聊天交友 , 173 live 視訊-免費聊天室 , live 173 視訊聊天 , 173視訊聊天交友網 , live173-影音視訊聊天室-免費視訊 , 視訊交友聊天室 , 真愛旅舍聊天室 , 真愛旅舍聊天室-裸聊直播間 , 視訊美女聊天 , 影音視訊聊天室 , 免費視訊聊天室 , 真人互動視頻直播 , 0401影音視訊聊天室 , 成人交友聊天室 , live173視訊交友聊天 , 真愛旅舍官網-視頻聊天室 , live173影音live秀-免費視訊


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.