27 February 2013

Yarn Stash-Buster Challenge - February Projects

Remember how I decided to join in on the stash-buster challenge at Lanas De Ana and Linda's Crafty Corner? Well, here is an update on the projects I made for February. Last month, I mentioned a few projects I wanted  to work on. Unfortunately, I didn't use up as much yarn as I would  have liked to. A baby and a toddler can make it difficult to find the time to crochet and I haven't master the art of crocheting while nursing and I probably never will.

I did manage to make a little bonnet and booties to get some 2 month pictures of baby girl.

I also made a little hat and tie for a friend to use as a photography prop. Baby girl made a wonderful little model for that project too.

Between the 2 projects I used about 4.8 ounces (136g) of yarn. Hardly a dent in the baskets and baskets of yarn in my closet.

So, whats next for March? I am definitely going to finish working on the cowl for my sister. I'm almost done. I have about a row and half left to crochet and then some fringe to add.  I need to make a couple of baby gifts. I  plan on making a hat for the hubby. I need to work on that blanket for baby girl. I'm sure a couple of unplanned projects will pop up too. They always do.  Let's see how much of this I actually get done.


  1. Hi Erin, thanks for visiting, sorry I missed these cute little hats, so sweet,I have added your pictures.

    If you click on the no anonymous comments you will find the spam is reduced to practically zero. I have had no spam now for a week. :)

  2. I have added your totals too :)

  3. Hi Erin, I've followed you over here from Linda's Crafty Corner. Love the adorable baby hats and accessories you've made! Your daughter is adorably, and such a willing model ;) Wendy

  4. These hats are SO CUTE!!! You have set the bar high for March. No matter what you can accpmplish, we will be looking forward to see your nice projects :-)

  5. Oh my goodness adorable projects on an adorable baby!!

  6. Un bebe precioso y unos trabajos muy bonitos y originales . Enhorabuena por tu blog , hay mucho arte .Un saludo


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