10 November 2011

50 Followers Give Away!

****This giveaway has closed****
It's taken a while, but my blog has finally hit 50 followers. In thanks for all of your support I've decided I want to do a give away. Because the weather is getting cold and I like to crochet, I will be giving a  handmade crocheted women's hat away.
Don't you like the nice fall colors?
Check out the detail on the ribbon style stripe and the twisted edging.
If you want a chance to win this lovely hat
  • You can get one entry by following my blog publicly and leaving a comment letting me know you follow my blog.  
  • You can get one entry if you follow my Facebook page and leave a comment letting me know you are a Facebook fan. (You don't have to do the first one to do this one)
The giveaway will run until Thursday, Nov 17 and I will announce the winner Nov 18.  Spread the word so your friends have a chance to win too (unless you really, really want that hat, then I would recommend keeping it to your self so you have less competition.) You can also check out my Etsy shop to see what other stuff I make and remember, I take custom orders.


  1. I love this hat!! So cute! I follow your blog!

  2. I follow too! surprising..... as I don't know how to do the blog thing so well. lol

  3. Congratulations on your followers. Just found your blog. Good job! Cute hat!

  4. I love it!
    Great job!!

  5. I love this hat. I follow your blog now.

  6. I liked you on facebook. Good luck with your blog.

  7. Cute hat! Found your blog through a comment you left at Our Best Bites and am now a follower, I am always looking for good blogs with recipes and crafts. Thanks!

  8. I'm a facebook follower too!

  9. I liked you on Facebook.

  10. I've been following your blog for a while, but I didn't even realize that I wasn't following you on facebook! I am now!

  11. I was set to follow you regardless,but a draw is so much fun! Hat LOVE!

    Feel welcome to follow me back.

  12. I like you on Facebook.

  13. Hi, I just started following your blog. Found you on Pinterest.


I'm sorry, but I've turned word verification on again. I hate trying to decipher the words just as much as anyone, but I'm getting way too much spam. I tried doing comment moderation as people suggested but the number or spam comments I had to sift through was ridiculous. I appreciate your comments and didn't want them to get lost among the spam. Hopefully, I can reduce the amount of spam and turn the word verification off soon.